Monday, January 29, 2007

The Spirits Spoke in English

The second most popular American show in Thailand is MEDIUM. Another is GHOST HUNTERS. I took this as a somewhat encouraging sign that a visiting medium might be welcomed.

However, other popular American shows are of the reality variety - - "10 Million Criminals Run Wild Through the Streets of America - REAL BOUNTY HUNTERS, " etc. When I mentioned that I had hoped to lose weight on this trip, one of our guides said, "Ah, America's BIGGEST LOSER. I watch." With enthusiastic hand motions, I stressed that I had NOT been a contestant on that show. Sigh . . .

But back to MEDIUM. There is wide acceptance of spirit communcation in Thailand and a historical connection to ancestor worship through the large numbers of Chinese living here.

However, watching TV is one thing. Experiencing the love conveyed through spirit communication is another. One of the greatest honors (and thrills) of this trip so far, has been connecting people in Thailand with their loved ones.

The same question gets asked whether I'm in the States or overseas. "Will you understand the spirit if they didn't speak English while alive?" The answer is "yes." I am fortunate that Spirit often allows me to hear the original language running like a soundtrack in the background with the thoughts coming through in English - - a bit like watching a movie with subtitles.

The first opportunity presented to me was a haunting. A lovely family asked if I could tell them who might be disrupting things in the house. The idea of "restless spirits causing trouble" is big in Thailand. Mediums are used to find out what the spirits want so that the problem can be fixed. Maybe that's why BOUNTY HUNTERS is so popular here. Renegade spirits are a bit like renegade criminals and mediums are like the bounty hunters bringing all to justice.

Darn, and I didn't bring my cuffs.

Not knowing quite what to expect, but trusting Spirit (and my guides), I entered the house and asked that all gather in the parlor area. Shutting off the flourescent lights (which every house, store and hotel use) and lighting a candle, we found ourselves sitting in an impromptu circle. I asked if we could start with a prayer and blessing for protection (which I always do) and this was met with great enthusiasm. Blessings are big here.

The group we had sitting in the circle was an interesting one . . . all family, except for me. Three women born in Thailand and a farong (white man) who had married into the family. Fortunately, the farong would serve as interpreter.

I always chuckle inwardly at the idea that dead people speaking a foreign language, translate English to me which is then translated again back to the original language. It seems a miracle that communication happens at all! (Especially when we with physical bodies can hardly understand each other in the same language!)

The three Thai women are sisters (one a psychiatric nurse, another the head of all nursing at a local hospital). The farong, married to the third sister, has been living in Thailand for at least 45 years.

The first spirit to make an appearance identified herself as mother, the one who fell asleep and never woke up. She showed herself has having very thin hair, but having been very beautiful when young and being a traditional dancer. Once this was translated, there were enthusiastic exclamations and head nodding all around. I received confirmation that the mother of these three women (who had lost most of her hair) mentioned to one that she was going to take a nap. During her sleep she died of a massive heart attack. This had been very difficult for the family because she had died so unexpectedly at 59. (And by the way, she had been associated with the royal court where traditional dancing was performed.)

The next spirit to come through was the brother to thank one of the sisters who took him in and nursed him through his long illness (AIDS). He shared many personal details which left no doubt that he was still around the house and made it clear that by physical actions, he was letting his sister know that he was around. (Thought that maybe this resolved the "haunting" situation . . . not quite.)

Right in the middle of talking with the brother in spirit, a husband of one of the ladies arrived home. Imagine his surprise to find himself in the middle of a spirit circle when he was expecting to relax after a long day . . .

The newest arrival is a high level military man dressed in uniform with a quiet, yet commanding presence. Uh oh - - I wasn't sure how this was going to go! But as he walked through the door, I saw a man in spirit walking with him. When I described him, he was identified as father. This man's father and mother communicated clearly and beautifully. The most precious thing conveyed by the father was that he saw his son with the "bird pin" that day. (I could only describe the pin as it was shown to me; he wasn't wearing it.) When this was translated, the response was overwhelming. This dedicated military man had attended a comrade's funeral that day and noticed that his friend's uniform was missing this "bird pin." He took it off his own jacket and pinned it to his friend's in honor.

Not a dry eye in the house.

There were many more wonderful examples of Spirit demonstrating love. But what I was told later, was that this stoic military man expressed more emotion that evening than he had in the past year. Spirit does that - - heart to heart.

Well, the haunting situation wasn't settled yet. The final spirit person to identify herself was a lady who had hung herself and wanted to thank the psychiatric nurse for taking such good care of her while she was in the hospital. She made it clear that she didn't want to scare the nurse by her actions in the house, but wanted to be sure that she knew that she was fine and appreciated the compassion shown to her. She also wanted the nurse to know that she should not feel responsible for her death.

And now the backstory I heard later.

This dedicated and compassionate psychiatric nurse had found the patient hanging and tried to save her. After that she left the profession, went into administration and then retired altogether. Finally, not only was the spirit at rest, so was the nurse. No cuffs needed.

The other readings during this trip have been touching as well. Our guide in Chiang Mai was so moved by his mother's communication in spirit, that gave my card to a Japanese lady who came to Thailand expressly to find a medium. How funny to come to Thailand and be referred to an American medium!

The healing power of love through mediumship - - not limited by language or religion, or culture, or country. Now THIS is what keeps me going.


Mary Ann Loconte said...

It's not the size - it's the immense spirit inside! I have the size problem in Europe, too. Must be the food we eat, and theirs that is not full of preservatives.
Men's t-shirts work for me - they're just not as pretty.
Love your stories and the blog - it's like sitting in the room with you.
Some really aha moments. Maybe you'll be asked to tour Japan next after you read for this person.
Hope to see you in March at Awakening, but not sure - I leave on the 11th.
Have a great time -have you seen Peter yet?
Mary Ann

sharon said...

Hi Holli,
Thank you for sharing this with me...sounds like you are having a wonderfull time and helping many...Take care and don't stub your toes anymore...that hurts..

Hope to talk to you soon
God Bless